Our firm is capable of supplying a vast offering of products that will fit the needs of the client.
- Buying
- Selling
- Refinancing
- Bankruptcy
- Estate Purposes
- Removal of Private Mortgage Insurance (P.M.I.)
- Family Law (Divorce, etc.)
- Appraisal for determining value for Insurance purposes
- Market Value for excessive Property Tax assessments
IRS Appraisals
- Single Family Appraisal (Form 1004) (Rev. 2005)U.A.D. compliant
- FHA Appraisal (Form 1004 )(Revised 2005) U.A.D. compliant
- ERC–Employee Relocation Corporation (ERC Form)
- Condominium Appraisals (Form 1073)
- 2-4 Family Small Income Residential (Form 1025)
- Drive-by Exterior only Appraisal (Form 2055)
- Vacant Land Appraisal
- Appraisal Review (Form 2000)
- Manufactured home appraisal (with or without land involved)
- Construction draw inspections for periodic progress payments for lenders and individuals
- Completion Reports (Form 1004D) formerly Form 442